At Adverlabs, we have developed a cancellation and refund policy to ensure exceptional service and client satisfaction.

Each project is meticulously structured into stages. We commence with a comprehensive investigation and outline of the work plan. This step ensures clarity and minimizes the potential for cancellations, reversals, or disputes.

Due to the time commitment required to reach milestones and complete project phases, refunds are generally not viable for completed work.

In the event of project termination by mutual agreement, the client retains control over completed work, and any prepayments for future development become null and void. Any advanced payments can be adjusted based on work completed up to the project’s termination.

Once clients approve mock-ups and we progress to the design phase, payments are non-refundable.

Partial refunds are not provided for projects in crucial stages. Additionally, special promotions from our marketing department are non-cancellable during their limited duration.

SEO or digital marketing services cannot be refunded, although clients can cancel subscriptions by giving written notice at least 30 days before the next billing cycle.

Deposits or payments made are non-refundable if projects are abandoned or inactive for over 30 calendar days.